At first nobody really knew what kind of disease it could be. And especially in the Western world, nobody really took the real threat seriously. Of course we are talking about the Corona virus. Incidentally, the virus itself is not at all new, but has been known since the SARS epidemic of 2002/2003, among other things. Now, however, there is a new variant - called SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19.
To the history of the current situation: On New Year's Eve 2019, Chinese authorities informed the World Health Organization (WHO) about an accumulation of pneumonia with an unclear cause. The infected people came from Wuhan, a metropolis with about eleven million inhabitants. At the beginning of January, it was clear that the new corona virus SARS-CoV-2 was the cause of the high number of patients. The name Coronavirus is derived from the Latin word "corona" for "crown", because the viruses carry crown-like molecules on their surface. Due to global networking and the fact that many people like to travel, the virus has now spread worldwide. In Italy, some cities are completely sealed off, and the number of infected persons is now also increasing in Germany.
Cold, cough, fever and breathing problems
According to the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, the corona virus Covid-19 is transmitted by a so-called droplet infection, i.e. by sneezing or coughing. But the virus can also be transmitted by a smear infection, for example if someone touches contaminated surfaces or people with their hands and then touches their own mucous membranes, especially mouth, nose and eyes.
While common corona viruses usually bring symptoms of a mild cold with cough and rhinitis, certain corona viruses, such as Covid-19, can cause severe lower respiratory tract infections and pneumonia. The disease can be particularly dangerous for weak and old people. Currently, one assumes an infection period of up to 14 days. Suspected cases are persons with corresponding respiratory symptoms who have either had contact with a confirmed case or have been in a risk area such as China, South Korea or Italy in the last 14 days.
According to the North Rhine-Westphalian authorities, all hygiene measures that are also recommended for other clinically similar infectious diseases can help as a preventive measure. This includes: washing your hands regularly, using disposable handkerchiefs when coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose, and avoiding large gatherings of people.
Strengthen the immune system to fend off attacks on health
The symptoms of the corona virus can be similar to those of the typical flu. In Germany, there have already been a number of suspected cases of corona virus, which in the end turned out to be influenza viruses. It is therefore important that people protect themselves as much as possible from flu viruses by strengthening their immune system - because a strong immune system is able to fend off many attacks on health.
In addition to the tried and tested household remedies such as daily nasal showers, inhalations, sage tea and sage sweets or honey milk, one should drink a lot and ensure good air humidification in heated rooms. And many plants and herbs have already been recognized and used by primitive peoples and healers to support the natural antiviral function of our immune system. In everyday life, for example, the combination of the polysaccharide arthrospira, star anise, zinc, sutherlundia, turmeric, colostrum and goji berries has proven its worth. This mixture forms a good protective shield for the immune system and keeps viruses out naturally.
Extra portion of vitamin C helps in defensive combat
Vitamins such as B6 and B12 are also essential for the immune system, as is vitamin C. This is urgently needed in a proper dosage in order to function well and to fight viruses and bacteria effectively. Even if we have already been hit hard by the flu, our body is thankful for every extra portion of vitamin C, which it needs in large quantities in its defensive fight. In this way we can positively influence the duration of the infection and are fit again more quickly.
This means: Those who strengthen their immune system with natural vital substances and follow the advice of the authorities will find themselves well armed against the corona virus. Everyone should take care of themselves just like a normal flu, prevent the symptoms - and keep calm and serenity at all times.
* This text may contain translation errors as the translation was performed by an online translation tool.